A Passion for Mathematics is an educational, entertaining trip through the curiosities of the math world, blending an eclectic mix of history, biography, philosophy, number theory, geometry, prob…
The Intifada of 2000-2001 has demonstrated the end of an era of diplomacy in the Arab-Israeli conflict. The style of peacemaking of the Olso Accords has been called into question by the facts on th…
The second edition contains well over five hundred new topics, nearly one thousand completely new articles, and 1.5 million more words than the original. In his preface, the editor provides an exc…
This passionately argued book provides the first in-depth investigation of the religious politics of current American neo-conservatism. It shows that behind the neo-imperialism of the White House a…
Thousands of books have been written about the relationship between science and religion, but few can be characterized as reference resources. This two-volume set helps fill that niche with more th…
The very real probability that non-human intelligences visited and even copulated with primordial humans is detailed in civilizations most ancient cultural and religious records. These historical r…
Through a close and informative reading of seven key texts in Acts, Kauppi analyses the appearances of Graeco-Roman religion, offering evidence of practices including divination and oracles, ruler …
Jurisprudence regarding the free exercise of religion clause of the U.S. Constitution is in a state of confusion. There has been a series of rapid changes in the standard used by the Supreme Cour…
The Concise Encyclopedia of Language and Religion provides the specialist and the general reader with accurate, up-to-date information on every aspect of the crucial interface between language and …
Russell on Religion presents a comprehensive and accessible selection of Bertrand Russell s writing on religion and related topics from the turn of the century to the end of his life. The influen…
This comprehensive dictionary of the Jewish religion contains nearly 2,400 alphabetically arranged entries ranging from short definitions to lengthy essays on major topics. It is the most accessibl…
During the Buddha s time, as now people were and are contused by the myriad religious beliefs expounded by different religious teachers who exalted their own teachings and denounced those of others…
This book is unique in offering a comparative exploration of the role of tradition in Islam and Christianity. The author draws on a variety of primary and secondary sources including contemporary n…
A masterful description of the major living traditions of Eastern Christianity. Its 24 chapters, each written by an accomplished scholar in the field, address the dominant ethnic and cultural categ…
Religious Rivalries in the Early Roman Empire and the Rise of Christianity discusses the diverse cultural destinies of early Christianity, early Judaism, and other ancient religious groups as a …
The revelation of YHWH s name to Moses is a momentous event according to the Old Testament. The name `Yahweh is of central importance in Judaism, and `Yahwism became tantamount to Jewish mono…
Slavery was widespread throughout the Mediterranean lands where Christianity was born and developed. Though Christians were both slaves and slaveholders, there has been surprisingly little study of…
The first book to offer an integrated reading of ancient Greek attitudes to laughter. Taking material from various genres and contexts, the book analyses both the theory and the practice of laughte…
At a time when Christianity is flourishing in the Southern Hempisphere but declining in much of the West, Linda Woodhead offers a bold new overview of the world s largest religion. In a fascinating…
I read this good book, here in Brazil. This book is about the collapse of Christianity in Asia and North of Africa. This book is very easy to understand and concise. Its size is small and has less …
At a time when Christianity is flourishing in the Southern Hempisphere but declining in much of the West, Linda Woodhead offers a bold new overview of the world s largest religion. In a fascinating…
Cognitive Humanistic Therapy describes a new approach to psychotherapy and self-development, based on an understanding of what it means to be “fully human.” In a unique integration of theory an…
I really enjoy christian theology but this book just didn t grab me. The information is great and that is exactally what the book is for. If you re looking for something to read for pleasure this i…
3,000 years of ideas about the nature of love in Western culture are brought together in this concise history. By blending the works of many scholars and examining the significant lives, works, and…
There s zero chance that Mr. Numbers has a clue what he s talking about. In his dismissal of the birthing thesis of science from Christianity, he reveals that he hasn t even read the back covers o…
Healing is one of the most constant themes in the long and sprawling history of Christianity. Jesus himself performed many miracles of healing. In the second century, St. Ignatius was the first to …
In the Book of the Watchers, an Enochic apocalypse from the third century BCE, the sons of God of Gen 6:1-4 are accused of corrupting humankind through their teachings of metalworking, cosmetolog…
Craig Evans has written another excellent book, Jesus and the Ossuaries. The unfortunate title, probably intended to pick-up on the popular and controversial Jame s Ossuary discovery, does not conv…
In the concluding stages of the eleventh century Eucharistic controversy, which turned on whether, and how, sacramental consecration changed the nature of bread and wine at the altar, Alberic of Mo…
Why is our world comprehensible? This question seems so trivial that few people have dared to ask it. In this book we explore the deep roots of the mystery of rationality. The inquiry into the rati…
How will the study of theology and the religions in higher education be shaped in the coming century? This book offers several different perspectives on this field of study with suggestions for a f…
This study explores the religious consequences of the so-called end of history and triumph of capitalism as they have impinged upon key institutions of social reproduction in recent times. The …
This unique new reference is a comprehensive guide to modern theological thought. In 48 self-contained articles, an international team of theologians and practitioners of the Christian and Jewish …
Each chapter in this Companion includes an up-to-date account and analysis of the thought associated with a major Reformation theology figure or movement. The book also focuses on lesser reformers …
With a strong interdisciplinary approach to a subject that does not lend itself easily to the reference format, this work may not seem to support directly academic programs beyond general researc…
This book comprises the first major collection of articles in English translation by University of Erlangen Professor Dr. Berndt Hamm, one of the most important and innovative scholars of the intel…
Christianity struggles to show how living on earth matters for living with God. While people of faith increasingly seek practical ways to respond to the environmental crisis, theology has had diffi…
The majority of the world s Christians now live outside Europe and North America, and global Christianity is becoming increasingly diverse. Interest in the history and theology of churches in non-W…
Well researched and passionately argued, this important collection of essays makes an original contribution to queer theology and to the debate about theology and sexuality in the twenty-first cent…
This is a revised edition of John Milbank’s masterpiece, which sketches the outline of a specifically theological social theory. The Times Higher Education Supplement wrote of the first e…